Our company Softea in collaboration with Millennium company has succeeded in a call announced by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic as an intermediate body. The non-repayable financial contribution we have obtained will be used to develop innovative tools able to digitize company processes.
Since we are fans of innovations, we have decided to respond to the call for a non-repayable financial contribution which can be used for development of our own product.
The announced call has been focused on promotion of innovations via enterprise research and experimental development in all domains of RIS3 SK strategies in the Bratislava region.
The main objective of the call is to support projects focused on reaching and practical application of the innovative product or process and their implementation into the production process via research and development activities and innovative measures.
We have joined the call with the project proposal: “The innovative tool for creation of forms”. The aim of the project was to bring to the market a universal tool for creation of forms which would digitize various company´s processes.
“During our long-term practice we have often realized that many companies did not have digitized their internal processes and needed some help to do so. We constantly meet such requirements even today. We are approached by the companies hitting the limits of managing internal agenda via e-mail, Word, and Excel documents or paper forms. By joining the announced call, we have decided to promote digital transformation of companies. Based on our previous experience we know that digitalization of processes can provide management with a bigger overview of undergoing activities, more effectively used working time of employees and automation of routine tasks.” – Miroslav Krempaský, Millennium CEO
We are aware that online tools can eliminate loads of paper documents in companies by converting them into the digital form. It also helps to protect our environment which we care much about.
The entire project is co-financed by the European Union and will be implemented in the following two years. It´s divided into several phases including the research part, development, implementation of tools and innovative measures.
The research part of the project will be focused on development of forms on various platforms. The project outcomes will be tools the main benefit of which lies in digitization of a wide range of company processes.
Our company has received a non-refundable financial contribution in the amount of 384,425.29 EUR. The financial contribution will be drawn together with Softea company as the co-applicant taking part in the tools development process.